lördag 6 februari 2010

Åtta länkar en lördag

Anders loves Maria
Rene Engströms nätserie Anders loves Maria slutade i går (länken går till första sidan). Seriens slut nådde trending topics på Twitter (åtminstone det riktiga amerikanska Twitter). Du kan läsa mer om serien i den här
intervjun med Engström från i mars.

Nils Schwartz om Don DeLillos Ratners stjärna och Don DeLillos Point Omega

Samuel R. Delany om Don DeLillos Ratners stjärna

Intervju med Brendan McCarthy

Henrik Örnebring om The Book of Genesis av Robert Crumb
Recension på gruppbloggen Shazam

Early one morning... 33
Ny sida med Rasmus Grans sf-serie, som jag är med och skriver.

Jog likes comics om Brian Woods och Becky Cloonans serie Demo
"It was a talked-about series, one of the inescapable 'blogosphere favorites' from back when comics blogs were scant enough that favorites could emerge in a way that some commentary on them seemed nearly compulsory to remain current in thinking; Scott Pilgrim was another one, maybe the one that broke wide away from the public readership ricochet chamber. To have been there at the time -- and I was reading blog posts before I was writing 'em -- is to render Demo inseparable from the looming mutation of online writing-on-comics, which soon after the series' 2005 collection found itself unable to keep up the pretense of holding the whole world in its palms."
Apropå att första numret på den nya versionen av Demo kom ut i veckan.

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