torsdag 1 juli 2010


The sun decides to
enter from the garden

moving on the carpet
he touches all your furniture
crawls under your closet door
investigates your wardrobe

moves his arm across
your memories
substituting light
heat and silence

he erases last year's
conversations with the stars
changes the contents of your mirrors
invents an alternative
palette for your crystal

scrapes his nails across brocade
revealing tangled threads
like contours on a map

he polished your tables
his brilliance clings to cutlery
till spoons become large
bright incisions
all across the grain

a weight of gold and heat
he stops burning
at the flesh of your neck

you are the only shadow in the room.

Jane Urquhart

Urquhart är en kanadensisk poet och romanförfattare. Två av hennes romaner finns på svenska. Men så vitt jag vet ännu ingen av hennes poesi. Åtminstone inte i bokform.

1 kommentar:

  1. Tolkningar av fransk poesi. Mycket nytt material på


    - M v h,
    Peter Ingestad, Solna
