söndag 13 mars 2011

Citerat från veckans läsning

"It wasn't their fault they were Chinese, and if you asked them about it they'd shrug-they knew it wasn't their fault. Everyone knew. In third grade you were still only settling into your skin and couldn't be expected to answer for it. After that was anyone's guess."
ur The fortress of solitude av Jonathan Lethem

"Fifth grade was fourth grade with something wrong."
ur The fortress of solitude av Jonathan Lethem

Seventh grade was sixth grade desublimated, uncorked. It was the Lord of the Rings trilogy to sixth grade's The Hobbit, the real story at last, all the ominous foreshadowed stuff flushed from the margins and into view. It wasn't for children, seventh grade."
också ur The fortress of solitude av Jonathan Lethem

"This is a paradigm shift. Everything you know has changed. Please remain calm."
ur newuniversal 1 av Warren Ellis

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