söndag 2 november 2014

Citerat från veckans läsning

"I en viss, icke närmare bestämbar mening,  bestod han bara av citat. Hur fruktansvärt stark detta gjorde honom, anade han bara."
ur "Vad som inte dödar oss, tenderar att göra oss starkare" i Berättelser om lyckliga människor av Lars Gustafsson

"I saw them all, suddenly, for just a moment, through non-Radchaai eyes, an eddying crowd of unnervingly ambiguously gendered people.[...]Twenty years of habit overtook me, and for an instant I despaired of choosing the right pronouns, the right terms of address. But I didn't need to do that here. I could drop that worry, a small but annoying weight I had carried all this time. I was home."
ur Ancillary Justice av Ann Leckie

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