söndag 27 oktober 2013

Lady Day av Lou Reed (1942-2013)

"She had to go in and sing/It had to be that way.//And I said no, no, no,/Oh, Lady Day, And I said no, no, no,/Oh, Lady Day.//After the applause had died down/And the people drifted away/She climbed down off the bar/And went out the door/To the hotel/That she called home/It had greenish walls/A bathroom in the hall."
"Lady Day" är från Lou Reeds album Berlin från 1973

2 kommentarer:

torbjørn hauken sa...

Trist nyhet du kommer med her Butter, men jeg er helt enig med deg i valg av musikk i anledningen; tristesse maximal!!

Petter Malmberg sa...

Han hann göra mycket bra musik.
Berlin hör till mina favoritskivor.